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G3 Newswire: A Silver Bullett

June 14, 2021 News & Reports

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Yannick Skulski

The New State Treaty has been criticised by the President of State Constitutioinal Court for being rather than a political compromise a bullet proof legally compliant solution.

Gambling legislation in Germany falls within the competence of the federal states. That is why all 16 German federal states have agreed on an Interstate Treaty on Gambling to establish a homogeneous Gambling regulation. The current Interstate Treaty entered into force in 2012 and will cease to be in force by the end of June this year. One of the central provisions in the current treaty is the internet ban of § 4 paragraph 4 GlüStV, which is equally disputed in the industry and between legal experts.

Read the whole article as pdf or online on the publishing website G3 Newswire


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